Sunday, August 28, 2011

About Me

Hello classmates and anyone else who might have stumbled onto this site. My name's Michael. I'm 23, and in my last semester at ASU as a print journalism major. I'm originally from Annapolis, Maryland. I spent two years at a community college before coming to Arizona to study at a good school in a completely different place than where I grew up.

My interests include performing and listening to music - I play bass and will talk to you about any and every band you can think of) - sports (Let's go Caps!), writing and learning to cook.

As far as media influence, I think that every time a prominent news personality steps in front of a camera or puts keys to text, they have to know the power of their words to influence society's decision making process. Because of this, journalists have to be responsible and think about the possible public response before airing a statement or clicking "publish". However, people - especially those already in the public eye like politicians - have to think not only about whether or not something they do will be headline news tomorrow, but also what the headline might say.

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