Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fox News and a Media Analysis

I was quite amused watching the clip of Papa Bear O'Reilly speak with fire and brimstone about the "liberal media's" love affair with getting Barack Obama re-elected. While I've never been too big of a fan of Mr. No Spin, I occasionally flick on his show to see what kind of narrative the right wing is pushing. This is why I find his constant attempted take downs of left organizations quite amusing.

Since this is typical Fox News fair, it's not surprise that this HuffPo story states their viewers are among the most consistently uninformed viewers. What Bill O'Reilly is doing here isn't news, and it isn't even informed commentary. There are no sources, no reasons why he believes that the media is treating Obama with kid's gloves. The only piece of evidence - the Pew research study his source states - is actually against Fox News, but they present as if it is praising Fox News.

It baffles me that O'Reilly can stand up on his little anger pedestal and make these claims and bold faced lies on and on, and then play victim when he and his Fox News associates are called on it. It's quite disappointing.

For my Media Analysis, I ended up watching MSNBC's Alex Witt and Thom Hartmann, a radio/TV personality who's show airs on Free Speech TV. I figured this would be a good way to see how two programs that are considered "liberal" would cover similar events. The only thing they both talked about - because Witt ended up doing a feature heavy show where as Hartmann fired off on a lot of heavy, hard news for more rabid followers of politics - was Herman Cain harshly criticizing Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Hartmann was a lot more incendiary than Witt, taking Cain to task for a "lack of awareness" and calling it ironic, that Cain, a former CEO of a company, would find fault with people protesting, essentially, CEOs of companies. He also said he wasn't surprised about Cain's harsh words, pointing back to other times Cain has said harsh things on the spot.

Witt's analysis was much less editorial, focusing on what he actually said - strictly reporting it - and then also referencing Cain's attack on Muslims that he apologized for.

When Hartmann brought it up, he did not mention that Cain apologized for it.

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